Electrical Plan Design
For all building construction or remodeling building projects, the owner or occupant must first have a concept for the new design, and then the architect or designer can produce a set of building plans.
These plans convey all the required information to the local inspection authority and associated building trades so that the construction or remodeling can take place. Because commercial and industrial buildings contain a number of electrical systems, these plans include specific electrical designs and additional documentation to verify that the design
conforms to all required building codes.
An electrical design goes through several important stages of development. First, the designer must understand the scope of the project. Then, the designer defines and designs each component (such as general office areas, specialized machinery, and
power distribution equipment) to recognized industry standards. Finally, these individual components are compiled to form the final presentation for the design.
Certain projects may include specialized electrical equipment that requires separate or dedicated electrical circuitry that serves only the specialized equipment (see FIGURE ). This equipment may be of the following types:
• Computers and/or network servers
• Photocopiers
• Microwave ovens and other lunchroom appliances
• Vending machines
Because of their electrical load requirements, as per the manufacturer’s requirements, these pieces of equipment may require individual circuitry and
special grounding methods
Lighting Systems
Because of their complexity, lighting systems are the part of the design process that generally requires the greatest amount of time to develop.
These systems include all the lighting fixtures and their controls. Lighting systems have very detailed requirements as per the NEC and require documentation showing that the system incorporates all required energy-saving technologies
An electrical distribution system is the installed equipment that provides for the distribution of electrical wiring throughout the facility.
It includes the main switchboard, which receives the power source from the serving utility, and all the associated components such as panelboards that distribute all the required branch circuits throughout the facility. Part of the process of designing the distribution system is calculating the facility’s amperage load and short-circuit values; these calculations determine the total electrical.
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