If Unregulated, Elon Musk Worries AI Will Become An "Immortal Dictator" That We Can't Escape

If Unregulated, Elon Musk Worries AI Will Become An "Immortal Dictator" That We Can't Escape

The world has had its fair share of experience with authoritarianism. The one good thing about it though is that you know it has to end when the man (or woman) in power dies.
Well, unless you’re talking about North Korea’s oppressive cultural brainwashing that keeps the entire dynasty in power.
Musk, who stars in a new documentary titled ‘Do You Trust This Computer?’, has described a future that many of us can’t even imagine.
In doing so, he also painted a dire future for those who follow his work closely.
One this he was sure of was this. “Digital superintelligence will happen while he is still alive.
One this he was sure of was this. “Digital superintelligence will happen while he is still alive.
“We are rapidly headed toward digital superintelligence that far exceeds any human, I think it’s pretty obvious,” Musk said
“We have five years. I think digital superintelligence will happen in my lifetime, 100 per cent.”
He said that an immortal, robot-like dictator could rise from scientific research if strict regulations are not put in place.
He said this so-called dictator could have the power to rule mankind forever.
“If one company or small group of people manages to develop godlike superintelligence, they could take over the world,” Musk said in the film.
He continued: “At least when there’s an evil dictator, that human is going to die. But for an AI, there will be no death — it would live forever. And then you would have an immortal dictator from which we could never escape.”
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