Google could be getting serious about IoT, Internet of Things In network.

Google could be getting serious about IoT.

IOT Growth is faster as technology lead in the way to simplify the human problems and get a soomth, easy and Efficient work with zero Errors. As it follow on it's way technical issues are raised by the Internet of Things.
It would be impossible to cover the broad scope of issues surrounding the Internet of Things in a single paper. In this section however, we provide an overview of five topics frequently discussed in relation to IoT:

Google could be getting serious about IoT by considering the following factors.

1. The IoT Security Challenge.
As we note in the principles that guide our work, ensuring the security, reliability, resilience, and stability of Internet applications and services is critical to promoting  trust  and use of the Internet.56  As users of the Internet, we need to have a high degree of trust that the Internet, its applications, and the devices linked to it are secure enough to do the kinds of activities we want to do online in relation to the risk tolerance associated with those activities. The Internet of Things is no different in this respect, and security in IoT is fundamentally linked to the ability of users to trust their environment. If people don’t believe their connected devices and their information are reasonably secure from misuse or harm, the resulting erosion of trust causes a reluctance to use the Internet. This has global consequences to electronic commerce, technical innovation, free speech, and practically every other aspect of online activities. Indeed, ensuring security in IoT products and services should be considered a top priority for the sector.

Every poorly secured device that is connected online potentially affects the security and resilience of the Internet globally, not just locally.

A number of questions have been raised regarding security challenges posed by Internet of Things devices. Many of these questions existed prior to the growth of IoT, but they increase in importance due to the scale of deployment of IoT devices.

2. Iot Privacy Considerations.
The privacy challenges raised by IoT are critical to address as they have implications on basic rights and our collective ability to trust the Internet and the devices that connect to it.

Generally, privacy concerns are amplified by the way in which the Internet of Things expands the feasibility and reach of surveillance and tracking. Characteristics of IoT devices and the ways they are used redefine the debate about privacy issues, because they dramatically change how personal data is collected, analyzed, used, and protected.

These privacy issues would be challenging even if the interests and motivations of all of the participants in the IoT ecosystem were well aligned. However, we know that there can be unbalanced or unfair relationships and interests between those who are exposed to personal data collection and those who aggregate, analyze, and use the data. The data source might see an unwelcome intrusion into private space, often without consent, control, choice, or even awareness. The data collector, however, might consider this a beneficial resource that can   add value to products and services as well as provide new revenue streams.

3. IoT Interoperability / Standards.

Device interoperability can encourage innovation and provide efficiencies for IoT devices manufacturers, increasing the overall economic value of the market.

In the traditional Internet, interoperability is the most basic core value; the first requirement of Internet connectivity is that “connected” systems be able to “talk the same language” of protocols and encodings. Interoperability is so fundamental that the early workshops for Internet equipment vendors were called “Interops"

Interoperability, standards, protocols, and conventions are a primary issue in the early development and adoption of IoT devices. While not exhaustive, a number of key considerations and challenges.

4. Legal, Regulatory and Rights IIssue.

The Internet of Things raises many new legal and regulatory questions and may amplify existing challenges associated with the Internet. Promoting users’ ability to connect, speak, innovate, share, chose and trust are core considerations for evolving laws and regulations.

IoT devices pose thought-provoking legal liability questions that need consideration. A fundamental underlying question with respect to IoT devices is: If someone is harmed as a result of an IoT device’s action or inaction, who is responsible? The answer is frequently complicated, and in many instances there is not yet much case law to support a particular position. IoT devices operate in a more complex way than a simple stand-alone product, which suggest more complex liability scenarios need   to be considered.

IoT devices operate in a more complex way than a simple stand-alone product, which suggests more complex liability scenarios need to be considered.

5. Emergency Economy and Development. Issues.

The Internet of Things holds promise as a fundamental enabler of social development, including achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

To ensure that the opportunities and benefits related to IoT   are global, the specific needs and potential challenges related to emerging economies must be considered. The matters discussed in the preceding issue sections are not unique to industrialized countries, and should be considered applicable to developing markets as well. However, the unique circumstances often found in emerging economies raise additional questions about maximizing the benefits and managing challenges of IoT.


While the concept of combining computers, sensors, and networks to monitor and control devices has been around for decades, the recent confluence of key technologies and market trends is ushering in a new reality for the “Internet of Things’’. IoT promises to usher in a revolutionary, fully interconnected “smart” world, with relationships between objects and their environment and objects and people becoming more tightly intertwined. The prospect of the Internet of Things as a ubiquitous array of devices bound to the Internet might fundamentally change how people think about what it means to be “online”.
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